Tag Archives: Holocaust

Never Forget; Remember

This is a response to Why it’s Time for Jews to Get Over the Holocaust My entire Father’s side of the family was in the Holocaust, my Grandmother Helen (z’l) included. She is the woman after whom I was named. She died just before I was born. I know her story from the war by [...]


On the Importance of Holocaust Day for the Children of Survivors

When I was growing up, there was no Holocaust remembrance day. My parents, all my relatives, and all my parents’ friends were Holocaust survivors. Almost all of my friends’ parents, and even a couple of my teachers at Yeshiva, were survivors. In the fourth grade, I ran home excited to tell my father, “Rabbi Greenberg [...]


The Ruin at the Heart of Words

I. I knew a boy once. He was three years older than me when we met. Only a boy, I realize now. But young as I was then, he became an object of my admiration, someone I thought after, imitated even. He fascinated me. And an affection for him kindled in me rapidly, as sometimes [...]


Morality, Independent of Religion?

This past week, Yeshiva University held its annual Yom HaShoa ceremony, led by the Student Holocaust Education Movement (SHEM). The ceremony’s theme, “Remember the Future,” centered on the idea of rescue and the consideration and value which brave individuals placed on the future and the preservation of eventual generations of Jews. The keynote speaker, Dr. [...]

In Uncategorized. Tagged , morality, religion.

Urban Outfitters: An Affront to Sensitivity

Pop-hipster store Urban Outfitters has recently come under fire for selling a shirt that many have found to reek of holocaust imagery. The short-sleeved men’s t-shirt is mustard yellow, with a blue six-pointed star over the breast pocket. The image called to mind when looking at the shirt are the yellow “Jude” stars Jews were [...]


To The Slaughter, And Other Myths

As a child of survivors of the Nazi death camps who have published extensive articles and editorials regarding the Holocaust, I am deeply disturbed and sense the deep pangs of anguish of those who still cannot comprehend or appreciate the true acts of heroism took place during those years. As a practicing rabbi who refuses [...]


A Child of Survivors Speaks Out: A Response

I personally feel no guilt for having the God-given privilege of being alive.  I mourn for my grandparents, uncles, and aunts who perished at the hands of Nazi maniacs; often weeping for not having experienced their love.  I cry in anguish when reminded that six million of my brethren, young and old, left this earth [...]


Responses to ‘The Holocaust Article’

Dear Readers, Many of you have read Binyamin Weinreich’s article arguing for the Jewish nation to move on from the topic of the Holocaust. While this is not the first article to take this position, and while many a scholar has argued that the Holocaust should not be a prime focus of the Jewish people, [...]


Never Again: A Response

To the Editors of The Beacon: I would like to respond to the article “Why it’s time for Jews to Get Over the Holocaust” that was posted on February, 20, 2012. This article has been met with so much criticism that The Beacon wisely closed the option to comment on the webpage. [Editor's note: The [...]
